Council Committees

Hot Lunches and Milk

Hot lunches provide students a weekly lunch every Wednesday by providing tasty, kid-friendly snacks during the second nutrition break.  These lunches follow the nutrition guidelines mandated by the School Board.  You may choose a lunch for only certain weeks – or cover them all! 

Orders can be made through school cash online.

Greening Committee

Ever wonder why our yards and gardens are so green and vibrant?  Well the care and maintenance of our outdoor spaces does not happen by accident.  Every year this dedicated group rakes our leaves, waters our gardens and ensures our outdoor play areas stay healthy and vibrant.   If you have a green thumb, or just appreciate a clean, beautiful environment for our kids to play in, the Greening Committee is always happy for more help!


The Dance-a-thon will get kids moving at a fun, high-energy event where we ask friends and family to sponsor their movers and shakers. This is now an annual event and after a very successful introduction, it just gets better and better!

The prizes for this event are really special and encourage students and classes to get the most pledges or the most participation. Last year someone even won the chance to be principal for a day!   More exciting prizes - plus our really high-energy DJ - will return this year.

Treasure Jar Raffle

These fundraisers are a fun way for parents to easily contribute to MUCH anticipated events at our school.  One or both of these events are held each year.  Parents make the cakes or fill the jars - kids purchase tickets to try and win them!  Our school has had some GREAT participation in these events so every student has a really good chance to win.  Please consider contributing to our next Jar event KOTR!!

Loonie-Toonie Sale

Holiday shopping can happen right at school!  Every year our Loonie-Toonie sale team receives and sorts donated goods from KOTR households.  They then prepare them for a 2-day event that lets students leave with an armful of treasures - all gift-wrapped and ready to open by their loved-ones.  All items are - you guessed it - a dollar or two!

Have that closet full of gently-used or out-grown items ready to go?  Donations are taken throughout November in our front lobby.

Used Book & Bake Sale

This is an annual event that has been a tradition in the Kars community for years, where school family and community donations all support our school.  This event is hosted by KOTR but open to all in the community.  Books and baked items are very much appreciated as donations - but come out and see what's on the tables for sale too!!

Teacher Appreciation Luncheon

At the end of the school year, School Council and other parents in the school like to show their support and appreciation for our staff by hosting a special luncheon in their honour.  This usually happens on the last PA day of the school year and a is a great opportunity to thank our staff for all they've done for our kids. After all our teachers deserve the best!

And more!

Council supports standing committees that help run our day-day operations and keep things running smoothly.  Many, MANY thanks to those who work to support our Volunteer Committee, our Website, and our Research and Funding Committee.  Also some of our members liaise with OCASC (Ottawa Carleton Assembly of School Councils) to exchange information and learn from school councils around Ottawa. 

If you have experience or interest in these areas, we'd love to hear form you.
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